Scuola di Recitazione della Calabria
The School, conceived and directed by Walter Cordopatri, has recently launched a new training course, which allows students to study outdoors, completely immersed in nature. It is precisely in view of this new approach to acting training that the partnership with the Resort, managed by General Manager Adriano Raso, was born, since a good part of the lessons are taking place among the centuries-old olive trees of its splendid park. The collaboration between the two territorial entities was officially sanctioned last April 9th, during the presentation of “SRC OpenAir”, held right in the Uliveto Principessa park, in the presence of the mayor of Cittanova Francesco Cosentino.
Synergy between the Calabria Acting School and the Uliveto Principessa Resort in Cittanova
The School, conceived and directed by Walter Cordopatri, has recently launched a new training course, which allows students to study outdoors, completely immersed in nature. It is precisely in view of this new approach to acting training that the partnership with the Resort, managed by General Manager Adriano Raso, was born, since a good part of the lessons are taking place among the centuries-old olive trees of its splendid park. The collaboration between the two territorial entities was officially sanctioned last April 9th, during the presentation of “SRC OpenAir”, held right in the Uliveto Principessa park, in the presence of the mayor of Cittanova Francesco Cosentino.
From this partnership between SRC and Uliveto Principessa Resort, many other artistic-cultural initiatives of great importance will arise which will enrich and enhance the entire territory.